These 11 Rules of Ayurveda will keep you Young and Healthy for 100 years

Who is not aware of the benefits of Ayurveda? From children to the young and pregnant women to the elderly, Ayurveda has the potential to en...

Who is not aware of the benefits of Ayurveda?

These 11 Rules of Ayurveda will keep you Young and Healthy for 100 years

From children to the young and pregnant women to the elderly, Ayurveda has the potential to enhance the quality of life of all. Ayurveda is a completely different method. With this, you can overcome your problem without any side effects. Ayurveda Expert and Ohia Ayurveda, has given some Ayurvedic remedies which can prove useful for all. And after adopting these tips, you can stay young, beautiful and healthy for a long time. Let us know which are these Ayurvedic and home remedies.

Ayurvedic tips for making young and healthy

1. According to Ayurveda, it is advisable to get up during the 'Brahma Muhurta' i.e. between 4-5.30 am.

2. It is very important that you drink water in the morning. However, keep in mind that the water should be at room temperature and fill it in a pure copper glass at night beforehand.

3. Eyes should be cleaned daily with fresh water or Triphala water (which you can keep at night).

4. Try oil pulling to keep teeth, gums and jaws strong. This will improve your voice and remove wrinkles from your cheeks. Gargle twice a day with lukewarm sesame oil. Hold the oil in the mouth, thrust it around in the mouth, then spit it out and gently massage the gums with one finger.
rules of Ayurveda will keep you young and healthy for 100 years

5. You should take a breath. Yes, Nasa means treating some diseases through the nose. For this, lukewarm cow's ghee is injected in each nose and pour 3-3 drops in the nose. It helps smooth the nose, cleans the sinuses and improves voice, eyes and mental clarity. In this way, life is nourished by the nose and wisdom comes.

6. Massage your entire body with oil daily is necessary. If you cannot do this, then at least three essential organs should be massaged. Yes, massaging your ears, head and feet makes you feel happier as well as leads to headaches, baldness, hair whitening and sound sleep and keeps the skin soft.

7. Regular exercise especially yoga is very important for good health. It builds stamina and resistance against disease, cleanses the body's chemical and enhances blood circulation. It increases the efficacy of body parts, promotes appetite and digestion, also prevents obesity.
8. Exercise according to your capacity regularly until you sweat on the forehead, armpit and spine.

9. To detox your body and remove negativity, wash your feet every night before sleeping. Try to soak your feet in salt water.

10. Always sit upright in flow of life throughout your body in a healthy way. Yes, life is that special work of the universe, which supplies essential oxygen to the human body. Its energy flows from the nasal cavities to the heart level.

11. For 7 minutes every evening, do a trataka action by staring at the flame of a lamp. It improves eyesight, memory and gives amazing clarity to the idea.

If you also want to stay healthy and young for a long time, then include these tips in your routine from today.

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Life Is Fashion Beauty Nature: These 11 Rules of Ayurveda will keep you Young and Healthy for 100 years
These 11 Rules of Ayurveda will keep you Young and Healthy for 100 years
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